Case study

Lois Sonstegard

See how we helped Lois Sonstegard’s online business.

Case Study - Lois Sonstegard - Great Work Online
Case Study - Lois Sonstegard - Great Work Online


pain points

  • Struggles to build a process and system.
  • No knowledge in creating a marketing plan.
  • No knowledge in marketing her paid offers.
  • No online presence.
Case Study - Lois Sonstegard - Great Work Online



  • On-going business marketing coaching session 1x a week.
  • Create and build a process and system.
  • Update the website with clear messaging and customer journey or story flow.
  • Develop marketing plans.
  • Provide Great Work Online’s fulfillment team of experts to implement the plans.
Case Study - Lois Sonstegard - Great Work Online

Awesome Results

  • Streamlined process and system.
  • Clarity in marketing strategy and plans.
  • Growing email list.
  • More leads to nurture for sales conversion.
  • Growing social media presence.
    • Strategic content calendar.
    • Growing numbers of following.
  • Optimized contents.
  • Numerous guest appearances in other Influencers’ shows.
    • Local TV
    • Blog and articles
    • Podcast
    • Facebook group
  • Hosting her own podcast
  • Hosting her collaborative summits
  • Professionally created graphics and videos

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