Case study

Henry Kaminski, Jr.

See how we helped Henry Kaminski’s online business.

Case Study - Henry Kaminski Jr. - Great Work Online
Case Study - Henry Kaminski Jr. - Great Work Online

Henry’s profile and

pain points

  • Founded Unique Designz in 2006
  • Located in New Jersey, USA
  • Unique Designz is a full service design, branding and marketing company
  • No streamlined system and process
  • Overwhelmed with projects
  • Reached his maximum capacity and can no longer scale
  • Long hours of working all on his own
  • Not enough quality time with family
  • No time to do client facing interactions
  • Not enough time to do what he loves – strategize and plan with his clients
Case Study - Henry Kaminski Jr. - Great Work Online

Pam and David’s


  • On-going 1x a week meeting with Pam
  • Assistance in project management
    • Clients projects
      • Direct communication with his clients
    • Email Marketing
    • Podcast
    • Website maintenance
    • Website development
  • Assistance and collaboration with his distributed team
  • Provide Great Work Online’s fulfillment team of experts
Case Study - Henry Kaminski Jr. - Great Work Online

Awesome Results

  • Streamlined system and process
    • Managed emails
    • Maintained website
    • Smooth communication across other vendors and team members
  • 100% customer/client satisfaction
  • Scalable business – knows which project or area should give focus on or eliminate
    • More time for client interaction
    • More time in doing marketing strategies
    • Increased followers in social media especially in his number one platform, Instagram
  • Increased in project sales by 60%

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