Case study

Curtis Hardin

See how we are helping Curtis Hardin with his auto mechanic consultancy business.

Case Study - Curtis Hardin of Autel - Great Work Online

Curtis’ profile and

pain points

  • Curtis Hardin has been in the auto mechanic and after-sale business for 13 years. His company is called
  • He’s always been a one-man band, offering consultations and technical support to his clients. Because of this, the increasing admin tasks became too much to handle.
  • He was overwhelmed with tasks and ideas on how to grow his business.
  • Can’t scale anymore.
  • No more time to grow.
Case Study - Curtis Hardin of Autel - Great Work Online

Great Work Online’s


  • Provide a team
  • Provide a designated project manager
  • Back office support
  • Guidance on digital marketing and project management
Case Study - Curtis Hardin of Autel - Great Work Online

Awesome Results

  • Well managed and organized administrative tasks
  • Systematized projects
  • Maintained website
  • More time with his clients
  • More time in creating content and building strategies to grow his business
  • More sales and happier clients

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